My Melbourne Arts Review: "A powerful reminder that when it comes to humanity, there is no them but only an us" ReviewsLara WeekJune 2, 2019review, my melbourne arts, them
Richard Raber Review: "A powerful and tender play...devastatingly convincing" ReviewsLara WeekJune 2, 2019review
How THEM Empowers Us: Richard Watts interview with Samah Sabawi on SmartArts InterviewsLara WeekMay 30, 2019samah sabawi, RRR
ABC Radio's David Astle talks to Samah Sabawi and Bagryana Popov about their new production InterviewsLara WeekMay 24, 2019interview, ABC Radio, samah sabawi, bagryana popov
SBS ARABIC24 Interview with Samah Sabawi InterviewsLara WeekMay 21, 2019SBS Arabic, Iman Riman, samah sabawi
"This play is a reminder of our shared humanity...a reminder that war is a waste": Media Release Lara WeekMay 16, 2019media release, them, samah sabawi, bagryana popov